Welcome to the Compass Group Counter Terrorism awareness page. In the interests of the safety of our staff and customers we must guard against a variety of potential threats.


These potential threats now range from spontaneous and volatile extremists aligned to terrorist or extremist political ideologies to disgruntled customers contemplating violent acts.

Have no doubt that the threat from terrorism is serious, but it is important to keep a sense of perspective. Our aim is to move public thinking from an irrational fear of terrorism to a rational concern, where the nature of the current threat is better understood, and our colleagues know what to do if they find themselves involved in the scene of a terrorist crime or the events leading up to a planned attack.

We have been working with the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) to bring you the very latest information and guidance.

Find out more about ACT.


Help and Advice

For further help and advice, please contact:

Tim Isaac  

Security Advisor timothy.isaac@compass-group.co.uk

Counter Terror Briefings

We are running a series of 20 minute briefings at our client sites across the country throughout 2020.

To book a briefing at your client's site, please email timothy.isaac@compass-group.co.uk


Watch the films below to learn how to identify and act during dangerous/suspicious situations.

Unattended Items: Lost...or Suspicious

This film gives you guidance on identifying suspicious items and the steps you should take in dealing with such items. Dealing with suspicious items (HOT) video:




In the rare event of a firearms or weapon attack (RUN, HIDE, TELL)

The film advises those who get caught up in an incident to ‘run, hide and tell’ - guidance which can be applied to any place. We know that from case studies and real life testimony based on the experiences of people who have survived attacks the advice given in the film has saved lives.






Suspicious Behaviour

If you come across Suspicious Behaviour, you must NOT ignore it. What you do will depend on many factors, but you must TELL someone. This film tells what factors to look out for.










citizenAID has been developed by military and civilian medics to teach the public about how to provide potentially life-saving treatment before the arrival of the emergency services in the event of a terrorist type incident. citizenAID is a simple, logical system of immediate actions. It is designed to guide the public to react safely, to pass effective messages to the emergency services, to prioritise the injured and to give life-saving first aid. This combination of effective organisation and immediate treatment will save lives.

citizenAID is a free app suitable for all smart phones which provides clear and simple actions informing the general public on immediate actions in a shooting, stabbing or bomb incident and how to give life-saving first aid to the injured. Familiarisation training is to be available free online. A paper pocket guide will also be available.

To find out more about the citizenAID and to download a free app go to citizenaid.org.


ACT - Awareness e-Learning

Compass Group have now registered for the new Action Counters Terrorism Awareness e-Learning.

Please visit https://ct.highfieldelearning.com/ and enter the following PIN code: 285114

Compass Group are using the eLearning as an additional training tool for managers who can cascade this knowledge to their teams.

The eLearning will takes 45 minutes to complete.

The Following eLearning Modules are available:

  • Introduction to Terrorism
  • Identifying Security Vulnerabilities
  • How to Identify and Respond to Suspicious Behaviour
  • How to Identify and Deal with a Suspicious Item
  • What to do in the Event of a Bomb Threat
  • How to Respond to a Firearms or Weapon attack
  • Summary and Supporting Materials

Suspect Package Guidance

Click on the images below to download the following: