Environmental Compliance

This page contains information on Environmental Aspects, Training, Legal Compliance and Certificates and Licences

Environmental Aspects

Environmental Aspects Register

This identifies our activities, assesses their impact on the environment, and details how these effects can be controlled and mitigated. 

Download the Environmental Aspects Register (MS Excel) last updated: December 2024 (annually)- this document is for reference only. 

Environmental Aspects and Impacts are identified at unit-level using the Climate Net Zero Toolkit.

Environmental Compliance Obligations

The Environmental Compliance Obligations Register details all environmental legislation, guidance and consultations that are relevant to our business and allows us to monitor compliance to ensure we operate within the law and avoid environmental incidents.

Download the Environmental Compliance Obligations Register (last updated: December 2024)

Download a summary of the latest changes (last updated: December 2024)

Units should ensure compliance with environmental legislation by completing the Controls sections of the Climate Net Zero Toolkit.

Legal Compliance

Certificates and Licences

Abstraction Licenses

Abstraction Licenses are required if you take more than 20 cubic meters of water per day from groundwater or surface water, such as a river, stream or canal. To find out more, please visit: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/water-management-abstract-or-impound-water


Abstraction Licences

Discharge Consents

Discharge Consents

If you’re planning to discharge wastewater from a production process, you are likely to need a consent – See guidance below. This includes anything other than domestic sewage (from toilets, sinks, showers), uncontaminated surface water or rainwater. Foodservice sites don’t need a discharge consent – Measures must be in place to prevent oils, fats, greases and food waste from entering the drain.

England: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/discharges-to-surface-water-and-groundwater-environmental-permits

Scotland: https://www.sepa.org.uk/regulations/water/

Wales: https://naturalresources.wales/permits-and-permissions/water-discharges-and-septic-tanks/discharges-to-surface-water-and-groundwater/?lang=en

Northern Ireland: https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/articles/regulating-water-discharges

Ireland: https://www.water.ie/for-business/trade-effluent/

If you can't find anything or need support, visit the Net Zero Hub or contact ourclimatepromise@compass-group.co.uk