
Welcome to Chartwells Specific Health & Safety Campaign 2025 page. Here you will find all HSE information and guidance relevant to Chartwells sites only.

February - Cut Gloves

Week 1 Safety Message

Cut Gloves are mandatory across all Chartwells sites – have you got yours?

Check around your unit, which pieces of equipment require the need for cut gloves to be worn?

Make sure you and your team know exactly how to wear them to keep your hands safe, and remember they must be worn when there is any risk of a cut injury. 

Week 2 Safety Message

Blunt knives can be just as dangerous as sharp ones. 

Do you know how to sharpen a knife safely? 

Safety Task Card STCCS11b in your Workplace Safety Management System explains the safe way to do it.

There is a Knife Safety Video available on the HSE Website – please follow this link to watch it and ensure that you look after your hands.  Videos | Compass HSE

Week 3 Safety Message

All managers must read and sign and the Declaration of Commitment to Hand Protection.  You can download a copy here Chartwells Specific Processes | Compass HSE

Please make sure you train all new colleagues in how to use knives safely and how to prevent cut injuries. 

Don’t forget to sign Training Record Cards and refer to Safety Task Card STCCS11a on Safety with Sharp Knives.

Week 4 Safety Message

Cuts can also occur from sharp edges of shelves and equipment so remember to report these to your site/area team for repair, making sure you record any issues in the Repair & Maintenance section of your Daily Log Book. 

Also check any glass or crockery, making sure any broken/chipped items are disposed of safely.

Week 1 Safety Message

Wear PPE and Stay Injury Free!

It may not look good, but would a burnt arm or hand look better? 

There is a variety of PPE available for you to wear to prevent burns and scalds – please wear it, and replace it if it’s worn out.

Week 2 Safety Message

Warning!  Hot Oil!

Prevent hot oil/liquid splashes from causing burns by covering pans with lids.

Can you remember how long hot oil should be left to cool down before you clean your fryer?  Why not retake the Hot Oil Quiz to refresh your memory.

Week 3 Safety Message

Chemical Burns are a pain!

Burns are not only caused by hot food/equipment, they can also be caused by chemicals.  Don’t forget to check your COSHH folder and see what PPE you should be wearing when using chemicals, and make sure you use it to avoid causing yourself harm.

Week 4 Safety Message

Stay current with safety, avoid shocking situations!

You can also sustain burns from faulty electrical equipment.  Is the equipment in your unit safe?  Have portable appliances been PAT tested?  Watch out for burn/scorch marks on plugs and don’t use any equipment with loose wires.  Report faulty items for repair and reduce the risk of injuries from electrical appliances.
